Tummy healing?
I totally felt that for several weeks kind of near where one of the larger incisions was. My surgeon said that they had to bring all of the inside part of that incision together and sew it before closing it on the outside so he said it would hurt for awhile until the stitches desolved. I think it quit hurting around the end of the third week. My ribs on the left side though also hurt and just quit hurting about 4 or 5 days ago, he said that was also normal. But as always, if you are concerned it is something more definiately ask your Dr!!!
Corinna Q
I had the same thing also. My surgeon did warn me about this. He said that not lifting anything, or trying not to bend will help this incision heal faster. I am 4 weeks post-op today and I still feel it when I bend (every once in a while). Good luck. Of course I would check with your doc just in case.