How is everyone recovering?
I am 4 weeks out now and doing fine. Very seldom have pain at port site. I am able to eat more than I should but I go for a fill next week and expect more restriction then. I think I have lost almost 20 lbs since surgery. It has really slowed down now that I am eating regular food. How is every one else?
Hi, I am 5 weeks out and I am doing great. I too have slowed down now that I have started real food. From what I have read on this site is that this is normal, and soon it will start again. I feel I put this weight on over night and that it should come off over night but they tell me that this is not so.
I am 3 weeks and 2 days post-op and am feeling great. Sometimes I wonder if they did anything inside. The worst part is the full-liquids, and really, it's not all that bad. As I tell my 2 year old Daughter, "it's a have-to."
I'm down 30 lbs. and it's amazing what a difference it makes. I haven't used my CPAP since I've been home. My husband says that I slep so quietly now, that he has to check to see if I'm breathing. I sleep soundly through the night and rarely wake to go potty!
The best thing is that I am not obsessing over food. I don't care if it's counting points, calories, fat, protein, carbs... I'm just not worried about it. That in itself is a major source of relief.
Lap RNY - 11/15/06