2 week Post-Op Update!
Well, today I am officially 2 weeks post-op. I went to my appointment, got weighed in and had my staples removed. I feel so much better now that they are gone. I am doing well and moving onto pureed foods today... woo hoo.... I made some awesome liver pate for dinner and it was sooo good....
Anyway.. I am now down 24.5 pounds since surgery!!!! I am so excited and glad that I did this and that I am now on the path for a much healthier life.
Congradulation!! Been praying for all of us, and it seems to be working, I am 24 days out and I think I am at a stand still, although I have read that this is common, I dont get to weigh until Sat and I cannot wait, my sweet husband hid the scales from me, which I asked him to do so that I would not get on them every five min. So I am just going to take my time and wait and see and do all the right things. I can start pureed food on the 5th of Dec. I bet it does feel soooooooo good to have the staples out, it felt gooooood when the took out the drain.
That is a good idea, hiding the scale... I get on it every day even though I said I wouldn't.... I just can't help myself... I get up in the morning, go to the bathroom and BAM I see the scale so I get on it.... It is all out of habit and I can't seem to stop myself (except when the batteries die... lol).... I am waiting for the stand still, I know it is going to happen soon (from what I hear). Thanks again.
Shawn M.