Will this dumping ever stop?
Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I pray your Dr. can figure something out to help you feel better really soon...that must not be a good feeling to be dumping every day. I am 16 days out and this is a sample menu of what I normally eat...I haven't dumped yet.
B~Protein shake with skim milk/water (40g-48g protein + 16 oz liquid)
S~Light string cheese stick (9g protein), then 16 oz H20 later
L~Boiled or soft scrambled egg (6g protein)
S~SF Jello or Pudding with BeneProtein added (7g protein)
D~Lighter protein shake (20-25g protein + 16 oz liquid)
Then before I sleep I try to get in another 16-20 oz liquid (water, crystal light, etc.)
*I know that I am not meeting some doctors goals with the liquid and I am barely meeting mine (I don't meet it if I don't have 20 oz before sleep but it's hard some days) but I am trying to up that. It's very hard though. I hope your dumping stops very soon.