Just want to say to everyone

on 11/26/06 3:45 pm - Oregon City, OR
I have been without internet since Thanksgiving and just got it back on tonight. I have missed so much! I have read all the posts and rather than posting individually to each one (It's almost midnight), I thought I'd write here. Congratulations to all who have had surgeries and doing so well. It's great to read all your stories. Only a few days left in November, and then we will all be graduates! How exciting! On a personal note, I am 11 days post op and down 14 lbs! I'm thrilled! Some of my tight pants are already feeling better now. Ahhh... I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was ruined by a so-called friend who got stinking drunk in MY house, on MY booze, in the middle of the night, the night before Thanksgiving. In the morning, one of his daughter's discovered him drunk on the floor and came to me crying. I got him up to bed and he started talking of suicide so I called 9-1-1. They sent officers out to question him, but he "passed" so they didn't take him in. He then passed out until 10:00 p.m. leaving me with his 3 kids and my 2 kids. I had to involve his family, get rides for his girls to go to their aunt's for Thanksgiving and take my kids to their dad's. I have to say, my pureed vegetable soup was the highlight of that day. All this drama just 8 days after my surgery really pissed me off, since he was there in the first place to help me rest and recover. And today he told me I was being selfish and I always had "something" going on like "major surgery or family dying". Uh, hello!!! Like I have control over other people dying. And like I should have scheduled my surgery for a more convenient time for him to care for me. Bullllloney! Anyway, enough of that. He is gone, his kids are gone, and I'm getting my house back in order. Got my Christmas tree up all by myself. And got my computer fixed. So it's back to work for me tomorrow. I think I need a vacation at work from the drama at home. LOL!
Lori Freckles
on 11/26/06 8:01 pm - Shawnee, OK
Kim, Congrats on the weight loss. My pants are starting to feel a little loose also. Sounds like you had a horrible Thanksgiving,,,I'm sorry. Nothing like the holidays to bring out the worst in folks. I put myself in self imposed exile this Thanksgiving because I didn't think I could handle all the food. I'm truly not hungry, just all the food looks good to me. I can't seem to qui****ching Food Network. haha Good luck with work tomorrow. I go back on Thurs. hugs Loretta
(deactivated member)
on 11/26/06 10:30 pm
Wow Kim, what a horrible thing to have to deal with! He sure sounds like a loser who can't even understand that it is his own actions (rather then your hardships) that are causing the problems. Glad he is out of your house and you are settling into Loserville!!! ((((HUGS)))) Marilyn
on 3/3/07 7:57 am - Somewhere, MI
Granted, this is an old post to which I am replying, but I feel I need to respond. When someone is SO depressed (which IS an illness), they cannot see the forest for the trees. It isn't a matter of "just snap out of it" or "Get real". This is a medical condition and one which alcohol can exacerbate extensively. I speak from personal experience and one whom is receiving help from a psychologist and psychologist in the form of therapy. Depression IS debilitating. The only thing I can assume is that the original poster's friend felt completely "safe" in her presence as sometimes these situations are a cry for help. No, it doesn't make it easy on the friend, but let me tell you that in NO WAY should you EVER refer to depressives as a member of "Loserville". I hope you have learned something from my response to you. Thank your lucky stars (or insert diety if apporpritate) that you have not had to deal with such extreme issues relating to depression as an ILLNESS....it's not just "the blues" or "having a bad day". It's a whole different ball of yarn. I'm sorry but your response screamed ignorance to me and perhaps if you personally knew someone like this or yourself was one, you'd be more compassionate. Best of luck to you. Chele
M. clarke
on 3/3/07 11:18 am
Chele. I wasn't a part of the original post but I feel so compelled to respond to your post. First when MM referred to "Loserville" she was referring to Kim being in "loserville" not her friend. It is apparent that you don't completely understand the lingo on this site. I could say that your "response screamed ignorance" as you claimed MM's did, or I can just explain to you that when people refer to being in "Loserville" they are referring to losing weight. Just like the tv show "The biggest loser" isn't about people who are losers, they are people who are losing weight. I also get from your post that you think Kim should feel compelled to stop her life and do what ever it is for the depressive alcoholic "Friend" in her house. I'm curious if you know this "Friend" of hers? As you seem very emotional about the statements that were made about him? I think that is possible your own guilt that makes you so angry. Perhaps you have been hurtful to someone like Kim's friend was hurtful to her. And YES i have personally known depressed alcoholics and know exactly how damaging they can be to the people around them. Perhaps you should hold them accountable for their own actions versus attacking others on this post for calling it as they see it. MM's post are nothing but compassionate and intelligent as our the others on this site.
M. clarke
on 3/3/07 11:20 am
as are, not ou . Please excuse the typo in my previous post.
on 3/3/07 11:44 am - Somewhere, MI
No problem. I have responded to you privately. Thank you.
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/07 12:14 am
Thanks Melissa!!! Chele, first of all, in my post - I was being supportive of KIM, who was certainly not very happy with her "friend" that day. This was a post from HER point of view, on a board on which SHE'S a member, therefore, my sympathy was/is with HER. My own father committed suicide over alcoholism and depression, so don't assume I don't know anything about the subject... tell me again what "lucky stars" I'm thanking that I have not had to deal with such extreme issues....? This guy was supposed to be helping Kim recover from major surgery and instead, he got drunk, neglected/traumatized his children, put a bunch of responsibility/stress on her when she needed it the least - and then acted like an @$$ to her on top of all of that... in my book - depressed or not - that still makes him a LOSER (and not in the good sense). Suffering from depression (and we don't even know if that's the case here!) doesn't give you a license to treat others any way you please... so even if this guy specifically isn't a loser - his actions screamed LOSER to me - and still do. If you don't personally know this guy, then you've made some mighty big "ASSumptions" about the whole thing... because maybe this guy is not even someone who suffers from depression, maybe he's just a jerk! It sounds to me like you're just being hyper-sensitive about a subject that's very near and dear to your heart, and don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to attack you back (even tho you accused me of "screaming ignorance")... I'm just saying that my post/response wasn't about YOU or even about HIM. It was about being supportive of KIM and the hard day she was obviously having. When a girlfriend is "venting" about some one... you commeserate to help her feel better... and the last time I checked, that's what this board is all about. I stand by my post, and am terribly sorry if that offends you. I hope you've also learned something, and best of luck to you. Marilyn
on 11/27/06 12:16 am - Pinckney, MI
(((((((((((((Kim)))))))))))))))) Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. Congrats on doing so well..... although putting the tree up yourself might have been a little too much so soon.... I got mine up, but with a little help. Remember your weight restrictions... you don't want to overdo it and then hurt yourself. Best of luck to you... sounds like you are doing really great..... Shawn M.
on 11/27/06 8:14 am - Oregon City, OR
Oh, not to worry. With this surgery, there are no weight restrictions. Pretty unbelievable huh?
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