I'm home and sipping
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I came home yesterday. Slept from 5:30 last night to 6:30 this morning only getting up to go to the potty and have a bit to drink. I think I may be a bit dehydrated from sleeping so long because I am a bit dizzy headed. Hopefully as I continue to sip away at my water and jello I will feel better as the day progresses.
So far nothing has made me sick! Thank you dear Jesus! I need to get a shower 2nd one since surgery on Monday at least I have my big towels and not the hand towels they give you in the hospital. LOL That was the next to worse thing I had to do since surgery.
The worse thing was pooping.
I had the fart to get out of the hospital, what they didn't tell me is once you fart, poop is not far behind. No pun intended. Wiping your butt, with a hat in the potty, and a brand new line of staples down the front of you is more of a challange then I was expecting. Everyone was really happy for me. "Yeah she pooped!!" and they were telling everyone, "She pooped!" I was not nearly as excited as they were believe me. Fair warning to those of you who will go in the upcoming week. Once you fart, poop is not far behind, just be prepared!
Take care and God Bless you all! I am off to take my shower so I can feel human again. Good luck to the people coming up this week. May God bless and keep you close during your surgery and may you have a speedy recovery!
I will be in touch when I feel a little stonger.
Hi Marilyn,
Went for my " pats " last Monday, and they didn't like my EKG. So they set me up for a stress test here in Falls City ( so I wouldnt have to travel again ). I can't do the treadmill because of my knees, so they decided to take pics instead... couldnt get a window on my heart. The pulmonist also changed my bp meds, said needed to get it under control b4 surgery. Ok makes sense. But, now I have to go back to Omaha for another ultra sound on heart ( cant remember exactly what its called ).There they will hook me up with an iv containing meds that will make my heart beat faster, Falls City is not equipped for that. They are still hoping for surgery on Wensday, but I wont know for sure until Monday, after this test. So, I'm kinda in limbo. I've put off getting my scripts for the stuff I need the day before. Not sure if there is an exp. date on the bowel stuff.
I know this is good that they are taking all these precautions, I really do, and I understand it.... but 1 week before surgery ???????
I told them that my bp goes up when I'm nervous or excited, just like I've told my pcp. They are the only ones that have said, that that is expected, but my meds should still control it, and going into surgery is stress enuff, they want it under control. I guess the one I'm really upset with is my pcp... shouldn't he have known the same thing??
This surgery to me, like to all of us here, is my last chance for a normal life. I don't simply want to exsist. I want to live. and the thought of it being postponed for even a few weeks, feels like such a set back, like it will never happen.
Enough of this pity party, I'll just wait and see what Monday brings, and go from there.
Huggs & Blessings,
Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Walking will realy help you feel better. As you walk more you will be less dizzy and get more energy. By my third day, I was walking completely around the drive at the hospitality house. It is sooo easy when you get home not to keep up the walking. Make yourself do so. I think everyone will agree, it will really help you recoup faster and better. Good luck.