Post Op Emotions
I haven't been crying but I have been emotional. I've been sitting around and thinking I made the wrong decision and I keep thinking I broke my pouch because I drank too much (in reality it's small little sips) but I feel so tight that I've convinced myself that I "broke" it. I think it's really gas, but I can't make me believe I know it's rediculous and everything and my hubby keeps telling me that I did make the right decision and it will show soon but it's hard to go through it and believe. *sigh* must be all those hormones and stuff. ??? Hope you feel better soon though.
Corinna, my dr. explained it to me like this. With rapid weight loss comes rapid loss of estrogen which is stored in the fat that we are losing, which can make some women teary, sad, irritable, etc. He recommends an estrogen patch for a week to a couple months, depending on how much help is needed to get through the transition period. He prescribes Climara. You might ask your doctor if this would help in your case.
I hope you feel better soon!