Need a volunteer for prayer list while I'm in the hospital
Rather than post all the prayer lists for a whole week ahead while I am gone, it would be great if somone would volunteer to do it when I'm away.
I have an excel spreadsheet with everyone's name by surgery date. I then copy and paste the list for that day's surgery usually 2 days in advance of the surgery. So, I would need somone to post from Tuesday, Nov. 14 through Tuesday, Nov. 21.
Please contact me if you would like to help out. I can send you the spreadsheet via e-mail. You can reach me at dancinjudge @ spaces, of course.
Ya, it's tough having the surgery right in the middle of the month. I don't know if any post ops from early in the month will feel like doing that for me for a week, or maybe someone with a date after the 21st will step up.
If not, I will just post the dates ahead, or if I get super lucky and my new laptop comes in time, I will just do it myself from Las Vegas.
Hi Kim,
My surgery date is the 20th, so I could do it until the day before if that would help. If so, my email address is [email protected] Have a great day! Denise
Have you set anything up for the prayer list?
I just saw your post. I'm not going in until the 30th. If you still need someone, you can reach me at [email protected]
I'd be happy to post the list.
Peg G.
Thanks for the volunteers! Peg and Lori, you are probably the best choices since you could do the whole time I'm gone. I just got word my new computer will be coming in, so I may be able to do it all myself.
How about I e-mail the list to you Peg, and if you don't see any listings from me on Tuesday night (Nov. 14) you can go ahead and post the next set.
I will e-mail you the list when I get home tonight. Thanks!!!