A prayer for all November members
This is a prayer for everyone on this list. While you read it, say it allowed and you will be praying for everyone too.
Dear God,
I want to pray for all the members on the November list here on OH. I don't know all their names but I am sure you do. Dear God I want to lift them up in prayer during this month and following months. We are all going through the same thing right now. We may all be in different phases but we will all have the same end result. God I want to pray that these people have calmness before their surgeries, may your peace come over them that they can be calm, may your mercy be great for the days to follow. Through the rough time and the happy times, through the mood swings, and the times when we wonder what we have done. May you always be near to hold our hand when we need it.
Dear Lord, I pray that we all have speedy recoveries, no complications, and a support system within our families and friends that will lift us up and keep us on track during the journey we are undertaking. Watch over us dear Lord, your word says that you will perfect those things which concerneth me. Dear Lord our weight concerns us, that is why we are taking this step, I stand on your word that you will perfect this thing that concerns me.
In your word you say that we shall not be temped beyond that which we can stand or you will make a way of escape, Dear Lord, I stand on your word that you will help us through our struggles with food so that we will not be tempted beyond what we can stand, and that you will give us the strenght to stand and with stand any temptation that would come unto us.
Lord I ask these things in the name of the blessed Lord Jesus. Amen
Thank you to all who have read this and prayed with me for the ones on our list.
God Bless you all!!