Chat scheduled.
Hi everyone!!
I think a chat is a great idea. So I just scheduled one. It's for Nov. 2nd, thursday at 4pm PST. Which if I am correct is 7pm on the eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain, and 4 pacific. That way we can talk for an hour or two before bed time. I am truely looking forward to chatting with everyone!!
You can sign up for the chat by pulling up the date and time, or at least that's how I did it.
Talk to you guys soon!
I think we can forgive you just this time.
I wish you all the best on being on the losing side. We will keep you in our thoughts as we chat without you. We will be following you soon. Maybe we can do this again in a week or so after you come home and are feeling better. That way you can join in.
Take care and good luck!