No fear, only optimism here!
With every passing day, most of us are going to begin to feel the nerves. We've all seen in happening on this message board. We are attempting to prepare for something that most of us have never experienced. Worry, excitement, and fear all play a part of this journey.
It's easy to say "sit back and enjoy the ride" when there are moments of pure fear. But, we all need to focus "keep our eye on the prize." So, I thought I'd start this little game for us....
EVERY time you have a fear, think of ONE think you look forward to. We've all got that list, or at least I know I've got mine. Eventually, you will have posted all the reasons to have the surgery and hopefully it will keep us all thinking about what we have to look forward to! I think it could be fun. And, whenever you feel the fear, you can come here, read what people wrote, and try to think of something that no one has thought of. It just may be a good way to occupy us through the month of November!! Just keep adding one each time you feel that twinge of fear!!
Now, I'm going to start off with something that NO ONE KNOWS that I look forward to...
I have a small bathtub. Now, I do fit in it, but I look forward to having more space. But more than that....I look forward to not struggling to shave my legs while taking a bath or the struggle to get out of the tub!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 10:20 am
on 10/25/06 10:20 am
Great idea, I love it!!
I totally understand about the bathtub, and even wrote something about that very thing on my "official" list (in my profile).
I really like the idea of trying to balance out the fear with some positive thoughts, so I'll add that I'm looking forward to... oh man, there are so many things! OK... I'm looking forward to wearing boots! Either they dont' fit over my calves or they are just too tight to be comfortable. I live in Minnesota and yes, it gets COLD... It would be great to have no problem slipping into a pair of warm, fuzzy, tall boots.

I am right there with you.... Although I CAN'T fit into my tub, and if I did sqeeze in, with my two bad knees I probably could not get out....
This is one of my BIG things that I look forward to being able to do... Right now if I really want to soak in the tub, I go to my sister's house, she has a huge jacuzzi tub... I fit in that... LOL.... I sure can't wait for the day I can soak in my own tub....
Great thing to look forward to.
Shawn M.
I know how you feel about the tub. We have an old house and when I had my partial knee replacement two years ago I had to bathe for the first two weeks, well we have a deep tub and I got stuck, I was literally suctioned to it. I was so embarrased when dh had to pry me out!! I also look forward to luxurious roomy baths!!
Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Not being afraid to tell my weight to the skipper of my racing boat for one design racing (the weight of the entire team has to be under 1500 pounds - we like to take 10 people, but with me on board, we usually can only take nine!)
2. Not being afraid of being included in a picture or caught on video.
3. Not being afraid to look in the mirror.
4. Not being afraid of stairs or fire drills at work - hurts my knees and breathing so hard is SO embarrassing.
5. Not being afraid for my knees so I can go skiing again.
6. Not being afraid of the clothes in my closet!!!
7. Not being afraid of how my weight colors how all these high level executives at work think about me.
8. Not being afraid to go dancing!
9. Not being afraid of airplane seats or the dismay on the face of the person forced to sit next to me.
10. Not being afraid!!!
VSG on 11/12/14
This is a Fabulous Idea
Wish we could make the topic sticky so it stays at the top.
I would like my tummy not to lie on the bed beside me when I am lying on my side
I would like my tummy not to fold over and sit in my lap while I am sitting down
I would like to be able to fish standing up, instead of having to sit between casts
I would like to be able to not shop in the mens section when I need gym clothes
I dont want pudgy fingers any longer
I dont want to have a shock everytime I see myself in the mirror or a photo and think 'OMG is that how big I am'
I would like to sit comfortably in chairs with arms or sides
I thought I needed to add a few because I have been a real scaredy cat (he he)
Will add more next time the fear strikes

What a wonderful idea and I've loved reading everyone's posts!!! Let's see, for me almost everything everyone else has listed but to add a few of my own...
Be able to buy rings that I can wear on a finger besides my pinky and necklaces that fit around my neck without choking me.
Be able to wear all of the adorable, high, high heels that I covet, and even own because I just couldn't resist, but can't wear because my feet hurt too badly in a matter of minutes when I do.
Yep...those are two biggies for me...can't wait!!!
Corinna Q
This is a perfect posting for me! I'm so glad that I was not the only one having nerves and I think this is a fantastic way to deal. Here are some things I am looking forward to:
1. getting a whole new wardrobe
2. being comfortable on a rollercoaster or other ride
3. having my husband be able to pick me up
4. wearing a bathingsuit without a big ugly
5. most importantly getting healthy!!!
Good Luck All and I'm sure I'll think of more as the days go by!!!