Irritable anyone ??
Surgery is Nov 14th which is getting closer day by day. I'm finding myself being extremely irritable. Snapping at people for the smallest things and having little to no patience at all.
I hate to feel this way. My emotions are all over the place. I'm excited, then I'm scared, then I'm ready to pull my hair out. I guess it's a good thing we do a psych eval !!
I still have so many pre-op things to do and can't help but wonder if I'll get it all done. I don't know why I can't just calm down and let things work themselves out.
I keep praying that things will go smooth and I really feel like they will, but why do I feel this way.
Guess I'm just venting....thanks for reading.

VSG on 11/12/14
Hi Lori,
I havent been able to concentrate on anything, doing work is very difficult and my sleep patterns are haywire.
I think this is all normal when making such a big decision in our lives {tee hee listen to me all the voice of reason, I posted something similar to you on the VSG board a few days so am really relaying advice that I got there
Someone suggested thinking about all the positive things in your life after surgery, from improvements in your health and quality of life, to shopping
I was(am) nervous about the surgery because I have never had surgery, and have now discovered that the hospital I am going to has a pre-admission clinic where one of the nurses calls you up and discusses any concerns you have so you feel more settled. Maybe you can see if your hospital does this?
I think reading the forums and posting on here has definitely helped, I spruced up my profile, updated things, added friends to my list, sent messages to people and read a lot of surgery experiences.
I also like looking at the before and after photos I find that quite therapeutic.
Hope some of this helps,
we are all going through the same thing
Hope you sail through things

Thanks for your reply. I think you're right. We need to focus on the positives of our life after surgery. That's what I keep trying to think about. I know I'm definetly going to enjoy shopping.
Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward to the 14th and not have to deal with these last minute jitters. But, I can't, so I'll say pray that God will give me peace over these next two weeks.

Hi my surgery is Nov 6 th and im sooooooooo freaking out.I'm scared ,nervous,happy every emotion there is i think.I'm also very snappy tired all the above...I have so many fears i wont wake from the surgery.I'm scared i will have problems dealing with my food issues after the surgery.AHHH guess we must just think positive... stefie
I know exactly what you mean. I'm so worried that I won't be able to eat the way I'm supposed to after surgery. What if I can't follow the rules ? It's going to be really hard for me to give up Cokes so I keep thinking what if I can't give them up. I think this is normal thinking. I think we are so used to our previous diet failures that we can't grasp the notion that this will be successful for us. This is finally going to be our time to succeed.
I'll say a prayer for you on the 6th. I'm sure you will do fine. You'll be on the losers bench very soon.

I'm with you - my surgery is the 9th and I am so worn out thinking about it all, I would like to wake up and have it all be over. My emotions are all over the place, I cry at TV commercials, I laugh at things that aren't funny to anyone else, and I'd do anything for a good nights sleep! If I'm not thinking about going to surgery and have my guts rearranged, I'm thinking about what am I going to do about the eating, the vitamins, the exercise? I'm sure it will all work out, but please let it be soon, I can't take much more of this!!!!! Good luck with your surgery, I hope you have no problems and have a quick recovery!! Linda
Hey, you just described a normal day in my house... LOL.....
I know how you feel about emotions though. On top of my emotions for the surgery, my best friend is moving to Alabama tomorrow morning.
We were helping them pack today and I cried all the way home. Talk about having tons of mixed emotions. It will get better.
Shawn M.

Thanks for your reply. That has to be rough having your friend move away, especially at a time like this.
Thanks God for the folks on OH. I'm not sure what I'd do without the support and advice I've found here. I'm mainly a lurker, but have found that the closer I've gotten to my surgery date...I really feel like I need friends who understand what I'm going thru.
I think I'm more nervous than irritable. Wait, I take that back. I am irritable too, lol. I have been anxious for a while and even had a dream the other night about my boyfriend leaving me because I was fat. In my dream, I was 256 pounds and scheduled to have surgery, and he left before I had surgery. I was so pissed I actually hit my bed three times with my fist while I was dreaming about it!
My surgery is Nov. 15, and I just realized that is about 3 weeks away. I hope I will be able to get ready in time as well.
Good luck with getting ready. See you on the other side.
Thanks for your reply. Aren't dreams funny? Not long ago, I had one where I had surgery and within 2 wks I was down to a size 2. Plus, this guy kept telling me I had to eat coffee creamer in order to get my protein in. Very strange dream indeed.
Your surgery is the day after mine. I hope we both have speedy recoveries !