pre op
I have learned from these boards that different doctors have different methods. My doctor requires a one week pre-op full liquid diet. He says I can have anything that would come through a collander - even milkshakes. I am told this is to shrink the liver so they have more room for the laproscopic tools. Good luck!
I am not sure why the spectrum of this pre-op liquid diet is so big, but I THINK it might have something to do with the kind of surgery you are having.IE.. Lap or open .I dont have to doa pre-op liquid diet at all and I dont have to do a bowel prep either, matter of fact my Dr said "If you want to make my job a little neater, cleaner, you can not have anyting by mouth the night before surgery from 8pm and on" Thats easy enough...
I THINK it makes a difference if you are having surgery Lap or open, i am open and anything in my sugeons way she will just move out of the way, but with LAP it has to be able to move around within a small area..Thats what I have gotten out of all the research i have been doing for 6 years......
All surgeons have different requirements. I had to lose 5% of my body weight and be on a 30 grams or less of carbs for at least a month to shrink the liver. But I am having lap RNY. My friend had open and she had a huge meal the night before her surgery. Her surgeon didn't seem to care. Guess it's different for everyone but in my mind losing any weight before surgery can't be anything other than good and it starts getting you into the mind set you'll have to be in after surgery. Cutting out sugars are the big one for me. I'm also cutting out the carbonated beverage be they diet or not, chewing gum (which is huge for me). Trying to eat slower and chew more, etc, etc. All that said, I am planning on having one last sugar fest where I get to eat whatever I want for the day then say good bye to it all...kind of like a wake for food
Anyway, do whatever feels right to you and whatever your surgeon requires anything extra probably won't hurt if you feel like doing it.
Corinna Q

My doctor requires a two day clear liquid diet pre-op. For me that starts on Tuesday the 7th. On Weds I start the bowel prep at 8am and then I have to take two antibiotics 3 x at specfic times to ultra clean the system out. I didn't have to do anything before that but I did cut out sugar and high fat. Monday is my last day of eating real food!