I was called by my surgeons office on Friday with a surgery date of nov. 2, I have not been approved from my insurance company, which happens to be state (medicaid) insurance. I have a couple of questions.
1. How much time are you planning on taking off work?
2. Should I tell my boss Monday, even though I haven't been approved? (he has no idea that I have been researching this).
Since I did not pay into time off benefits I need to get back to work asap, I just hope and pray I am approved, I am just concerned with telling my boss then things don't work out.I know he will ok with it, but I just feel kind of uncomfortable talking about it with him, I am one of the ones who didn't tell my best of friend and want to keep it private. How have you all handled taking time off, if you had short notice?
I know with the Medicaid here (in Michigan), they don't do pre-approvals. If the office looks through your files and you meet the requirements, then surgery is a go. This cuts down on paperwork and going through the claim twice. At least that is how mine is going. I do have Medicare and Medicaid, but that is what they told me when I called. OF course it could be different from state to state.
Good Luck! OH and congrats on the date!
Shawn M.
Hi Shawn,
I wi**** were like that but I have Gateway which is a Medicaid Insurance Company...(I guess
) anyway you have to be approved first even if you meet the guidelines. So Im just praying for a Approved, but from what I hear
a lot of people are denied first and get approved through appeal. So I am just hoping things go in my favor.

I would let your boss know that you are researching the Idea. My boss has been fighting me on mine (but she can't do anything about it). If your taking a leave of abcense you probably have to let them know a month or two in advance. If you have a good relationship w/ your boss, go ahead and let them know. Technically, it's none of thier bussiness, but I would let them know you may have to have surgery in the near future.