WOW.... Has this board started jumpin !!
Hi All !!
I've been gone for a couple of weeks, rearranging bedrooms and deep cleaning the house...... workn off nerves
This board is sure jumpin now
So many new faces, So many new friends to make !!
I believe it was Tiina ( I may be wrong ), who suggested we all keep in touch, so how about this for an idea...... Since OH has changed the format so we can add each other, how about all of us November losers, add each other to our friends list ??
Let me know what y'all think !!
Huggs & Blessings,

Hey Lori,
I think you have a great idea. It will be a nice way to keep track of each other, as long as everyone wants to partipate...
OH and Lori, I have been doing a lot of the same stuff you are doing, however we are trying to get our house ready to list for least I have something to keep me busy for the next month and a week.....
I say we start a "Novenmber friends" thread for everyone to post in, if they want to be a part of it....
What do you all think?
Shawn M.