Getting Ready....
I wanted to see what you all are doing to get ready for surgery and life after. Here are some of the things that I am doing:
1) Quit Smoking
2) Quit Drinking carbonated drinks
3) Trying to eat better (this one isn't working quite as well as the ones above.)
What I want to do:
1) Set up my kitchen with everything I can eat and need (ie. soft foods, protein supplements, vitamins, etc.)
Hi Sophia,
Congrats on your date, mine is the 29th.
Looks like our list is pretty much the same !! I quit smoking in Jan, so I would be 6 months smoke free for surgery, thats a pre- requiste of my dr.
My nut. gave me a diet to follow ( pretty basic ), just to help me take whatever weight I can off b4 surgery. I'm waiting to see if I will have to do a 2 week liquid diet beforehand.
I still have to go out and get night gowns tho... I don't own not a one
More comfie in t-shirts and shorts
I still need to find out exactly what I need to take to the hospital tho.
Any ideas on that??
Huggs & Blessings,

I am unaware of when I will have my surgery due to aexcellance cert. my insurance is making mandated,BUT I have started to ready my self.
1- I have quit smoking(almost 2 months)
2- started slowing down on soda and coffee
3- started eating different, BETTER LOL
I am really looking forward to having my surgery. I hope this helps!
Hi Sophia,
I'm still doing my work up and research. But, I helped a friend with her WLS, and here are a few suggestions:
1. Got her the little bottles of water. That way she didn't feel like, "Oh my Gosh I'll never get that all down." She drank those and did fine.
2. Got her some baby wipes, so she could just wipe her face/neck to freshen up. She wasn't able to take a full shower for a couple of days...said they were a Godsend.
3. One of those pillows that has the arms on it. So she could sit up in bed. Some people sleep in a recliner after surgery. But, she used the pillow I let her borrow and did great. I used it after my hysterectomy...loved it!
Hope those ideas helped.
Good Luck!
Sophia, I just left you some links where you posted to send us here, they have stuff needed to take to hospital.
These are things I have changed or am trying to change so far before surgery. I am preop and my surgery will probably be end of March, beg. of April 2007. I am in a 6 mo. class with Kaiser that ends on Feb. 22.
1. I now eat on a small plate with a small fork
2. I have almost completely given up diet sodas and I have totally cut out diet soda w/aspartame. I only buy ones with Splenda now. Weening my family from Aspartame.
3. I am trying not to drink with my meals really hard for me
4. I have given up junk food
5. I'm eating more fruit than I use to
6. I stopped eating 3 hours before going to bed has made a huge difference
7. I have given up caffeine iced tea was the hardest for that
8. I've cut WAY back on salad dressing and this is the HUGEST for me, I use to have a salad with my dressing!!!!!
9. Trying to chew more
10. Eating better and smaller portions
I think that is it so far. I have been in my class for 7 weeks now and have lost 14 lbs. so far. My plan recommends we lose 10% before surgery, which would be 30 pounds for me.
Best wishes to all of you, I will keep you in my prayers.
God bless your journey, anewbecboo
Hi folks!! I saw the post on the main board and as a 3 year post-op I thought I would give a few tips from the other side
things I did that made it easier,
gave up carbonated drinks and all caffeine.
did ALL my laundry and as much housework as possible to have less to worry about afterwards. shopped for the foods juices etc I would need. bought 2 new pillows and new sheets and a stepstool since I knew getting in and out of bed/propping myself up would be difficult. rented about 8 movies from the video store to try and distract myself.
arranged for a neighborhood kid to come in after school (without seeing me!) to feed my pet.
hubby was there to take care of me, but couldn't take more than 4 days off of work. my recovery was a few weeks.
ummm, oh, bought plastic plates and bowls and silverware for easier cleanup.
prepped ice cubes made up of the approved no sugar added juices, soups broth and jello cubes, each one 2 ounces. when I would eat one serving, I'd take out the next and by the time I could eat again, it had thawed. I made them in ice cube trays then popped them out into a ziploc baggie.
I had my bathroom scrubbed to remove all grunge tile mildew anything like that since I was very badly diabetic with wound healing issues. I took no chances on infection.
that is about it for prep.
what I took with me,
a button front housecoat, warm slippers (floors were freezing!) warm socks.. small clip on fan (donated it to the hospital when I left, they stock them now on request) as hot flashes were unbearable at times and the white noises helped calm me. I printed photos of my lvoed ones to remind me why I did this...hubbya nd me when I weighed my lowest as an adult, a photo of my nephew that I raised, a picture of my pet bunny, and a drawing of a flower I drew to cheer myself up.
I brought and didn't touch books, toiletries and a backgammon electronic game. I brought and used often headphones and soothing music. At night it is very noisy and disruptive and the music helped a lot. I brought my own pillowcase!!! it sounds silly but this was a cheerful one with butterflies and something about having your own cheery pillowcase can do wonders for your mood.
some may want their bible or religious items. I am not catholic but had my grandmother's rosary for good luck.
if you are diabetic I suggest you bring your own glucometer. hospitals always have the oldest primitive ones. Also put a sign up or on your chart to use yours not theirs if you do that. we always had the good ones that can take from places other than the fingertip.
I hope this info helps! be brave and Iw ill be rooting for you all!
it is a good idea to have some sanitary pads handy. for some unknown reason a lot of women get their cycle while in the hospital even if it wasn't due.

Getting ready for surgery beforehand, I really didn't do anything but eat
. My last week before surgery, I got to enjoy all the foods that I wouldn't be able to eat anymore.
For the hospital, I only brought 5 things.
1. Night gown that opens in the front, cause it's lighter than a robe, so i wouldn't be showing my behind when I walked around *LoL*
2. Slippers
3. Deoderant
4. Toothpaste
5. Toothbrush
I was able to take a shower the day I left (2 days after surgery) which was awesome and the hospital provided soap.
Prep for home...
1. 6 bottles of water (so I can keep count of how much I drink and I can always refill them)
2. Protein shakes
3. Protein Powder
4. Crystal Light
5. One uber soft pillow to protect my stomach when I sleep.
6. If you'lll be having a drain (dressing to replace the one I have, I've been replacing it everyday & also tape to hold down the dressing).
Congratulations on your date...I hope that everything will go smoothly for you =)
LAP RNY 09/27/2006
Pre-Op: 258
Post-Op: 236

Hi everybody
I am a year out . I am down about 93 pounds. I know people who have lost more but I'm happy. I weigh less than I did 25 years ago...
Things to get ready ???
I took my pillow ( so I would feel more comfortable)
slippers, a robe ( right after surgery those gowns really didn't fit right)
The first day you will probably be loaded with pain meds so you will sleep most of the time. You will probably have someone in to have you walk as often as possible.
Remember that you will want to have a stiff pillow for when you head home to hold against your stomach to help from jostling around. may get a visit from "Aunt Flo" . I hadn't had one in 3 months and day of surgery ?
just be prepared !
If you have open and they give you a "binder" to wear it as much as possible . That helps hold things together. Remember to drink your water, protein. It will take you a while to realize that you are "full" , eat slowly and when you get to soft foods, chew, make sure you chew really well.
Don't worry, you may hit stalls, I think the first one is maybe three weeks out. I suggest you measure yourself before you go in for surgery. So when you hit stalls you can measure yourself. You will usually find that you are losing inches. A good site to go to is His name is Bruce...and I like going to his site. He has charts you can use to keep track of your weight, inches, etc. There are also a couple of sites you can track what you are eating. They are and also ....
Enjoy your journey, you are just beginning.... Enjoy the ride
If you have any questions you are welcome to come to the Sept 05 board. We are glad to help answer any questions if we can...