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Topic: RE: Almost 7 months out and fighting choc cravings
When I get a craving for choc. I usually have milk with choc. carnation instant breakfast in it. I usually have milk with that in it everymorning on my way to work. So that has really helped with the cravings. I also work in a bakery so being around the sweets and choc. But I can honestly say that I have no desire to even lick my fingers off when I get something on them. I don't want to get sick so I stay away from all sugar stuff. I have lost 100 lbs and I'd like to lose 20-25 more before aug. my daughters wedding.
Topic: RE: Almost 7 months out and fighting choc cravings
YOU ARE NOT ALONE...I have had serious medical issues with my female parts and hormones post-op and the craving go right along with it! Unfortunately, I learned early out that I can have 3 hershey's kisses and not get sick...I will admit that 3 is enough for me (sweets were never my problem) but the hormone changes have made the craving WORSE than ever (see my profile). Recognizing this is the first've done that! It's a behavior that we have to work at changing. I will say that I have a current "new love"...WATERMELON. I try to substitute a cup or so of that gives me water and fiber that I need anyway. HTH
Topic: Almost 7 months out and fighting choc cravings
Hi all. I am amost 7 months out and have lost 75 lbs. I want to lose 44 more lbs. I am finding that I crave chocolate. I started out eating 1 SF piece here and there, then that started to make me dump, so I decided to try a reg. piece and had a Hershey choc bar (mini) and that did not make me dump. I notice that I want more and more of it though. I have only given in once and had more than I should and boy did I know it- b/c I dumped big time. Even though it made me sick and will make me sick, I still crave it. How do you deal with the cravings? I need some advice and to know that I am not alone. Thanks!
Topic: A Few WOW Moments & an Owie~Long
Hello everyone,
It's been a while. I've turned into a lurker. I read all of the new posts every few day's but don't have much time to reply to all of them anymore. I've been very busy looking for a job and doing other things, but I wanted to share this with you all......... I had the most awesome weekend ever! I worked with the N. B.A. at the Strawberry festival in Belleville, Mi. this past weekend. I spent the entire weekend running after basketballs, dancing with the road crew for the N. B. A., shooting hoops (I'm not very good, but enjoyed it), walking around, and directing people to where the N. B.A. was set up. I got to meet shockwave (the pistons cheerleaders), Trick's from Harlem (He's on the cover of Dime magazine, this guy is awesome), a couple of pistons~ Billips and Mahone, an older piston~ Spencer Haywood. I even had Damon (He's in charge of the road crew) tell me he was taking applications for someone to be the mother of his first child. I asked him where do I apply, and he told me lol ( I wouldn't really do that ~I just like to flirt a little bit). Any how~ DID YOU READ WHAT I WROTE? I WAS RUNNING AND DANCING ~YES ME!!!! I had such a great time. Never would I have been able to do this 6 months ago ~ I am so happyJ * big super gigantic smile*
I did end up getting a second degree sunburn on my face, and the bottom of my calves. Yes it hurts. My P. C. P. cleaned it and gave me silvadene to put on it along with antibiotics to take to ward off infection. I'm not supposed to rub it at all ~not that I would want to mind you lol.
The best part of all of this ~ when I got weighed today I was under 200 pounds. I think I screamed! The funny thing was when the nurse weighed me she put the big weight to the 150 mark. I told her 200 she looked at me and said "I don't think so", and she was right. I have not been under 200 since I was 17 or 18 years old, then it was very short lived. So all of this and I made it to onederland!!! Maybe I will meet the weight requirement for skydiving after all. One more thing My blood pressure was down to 112/34. Last time it was 172 / 87, and my P.C.P. was debating whether she should increase my B. P. meds. I have to go back on the 28th. Maybe get taken off of it.
I love you guys. Thanks for always being there with a word of encouragement. IOther people think their surgeon is the best~ but mine really is the best! I thgank God for this surgery, the skills he gave to my surgeon, and for all of the blessings he has sent my way.
God bless you all,
Lap. R. Y .N. 11/17/05
Dr A. Carlin
Topic: RE: Start @ 315#s
Here's the one I used, I think...
It has a bug in it, the answer always says "and is sick with fever or diarrhea should have:" even when you selected that no, you weren't sick... Being a computer programmer myself, I just laughed it off..
I hope it helps you as much as it did me.

Topic: RE: Have any of you had icecream yet?
hey, you look GREAT!!! i crave sweets when i am pmsing too. i ususally go to the tropical smoothie cafe and have a small protien smoothie (chocolate and banana). or i get the sugar free chocolate covered toffee squares from rusell stovers. thank god for sugar free candy LOL!!
take care and good luck!
Topic: RE: Update
You've come so far in a few short months! Congrats and keep working your tool.
Have fun at the water park!
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