I had taken Prevacid for a couple of years before surgery. After surgery my new digestive system couldn't absorb it and I developed a terrible cough due to reflux. My pcp switched me to Prilosec which is over the counter. I took two a day, one morning and one at night for 3 months. Now I'm just taking one every other day. Losing 78 lbs. has done wonders!
Hi Janet. I was also prescribed Prevacid about two months out. I was having a lot of trouble with nausea so he scoped my pouch and saw a small white spot that he thought might be an ulcer. My PCP said I will probably have to take it the rest of my life. I don't mind, as I don't seem to have any bad side effects from it, but it is expensive. My PCP said there are other, less expensive drugs that might do the same job, so next time I see my surgeon (May), I will ask about that.