Anyone else have this problem?
It makes me crazy.
I only lose weight every 4 weeks.
I plateau for a month, then in one week I'll drop 3-5 lbs..... Then back to the plateau.
If I weigh myself more than once a week I notice I will gain and lose the same 5 lbs beofre it finally drops off. But my monthly weigh-ins and measurings are showing about a 1 lb per week average.
Is this normal? It doesn't feel normal!
My bariatric nurse, who also had the surgery a few years ago, said it would not be a constant straight line loss with 2-4 lbs every week; it will be more like stair steps with a weight drop, then leveling off, then drop again, leveling, drop, etc. Sounds like your experience is normal to me. Don't get discouraged!