Slow Loss?
Hey janna,
we have the same date. I love hearing how others are doing now. I have lost a total of 76 since surgery and since August of 2005 when I started my journey I have lost105 lbs wow when I see it all spelled out I guess I should be happy. Well just wanted to drop a line and say hi I have to go update my profile its been forever. Take care and drop me a line sometime..
Hey, everyone's different. I can't believe your DR thinks that's SLOW! He would say I'm slow too I guess. I'm down 82 pounds since 11/16/2006 and I thougt I was doing very well. How much did you have to loose all together? I'm hoping to loose 143, so at this point being a little over halfway there is outstanding if you ask me. Don't worry, you're doing fine.