Liquid gel and time release meds.
After almost 4 months post op this question has come up for me.
This weekend i by mistake bought liquid gel stool softner. I remember
in one of our information classes that we couldn't take liquid gel or
time release capsules. That we didn't have the stomach acid to
disolve them. My dr. said that even one of his patients months down
the road had a big knot when he went in to explore it was a bunch of
undisolved capsules. So my question is have any of you taken the liquid
gel stool softeners and done okay with them? I wondering if i can take
this bottle or if i wasted my money?
Thanks D
Personally, I wouldn't take it. I've had a pill get stuck in my stoma before and it's the most uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced. As a result, I don't swallow anything larger than a tylenol broken in half.
I don't know anything about if we can digest liqui-gels or not, but usually they're pretty large and I wouldn't want it to get stuck. Did you already open the bottle? Is that why you can't return them or exchange them for the liquid?
253 / 187 / ???
See? I am nothing but a big, huge chicken! I won't swallow any pills. Crushed or liquid is all I do. I'm too scared! I was chewing a piece of gum once and swallowed it by mistake (it was only a piece of trident) - Oh, the pain! I dont know how some people take all those vitamins in capsule form...I was told to stay away from liqui-gels, too.
How long did it take before the gum became unstuck?
I had somewhat of a habit of swallowing my gum before
surgery, so i'm afraid i would also swallow now. I have
heard some people that swallowed their gum had to
have surgery to get it unstuck. By the way i haven't
tried the liquid gel yet.