Over 2280 pounds gone!!!!
Holey Moley!! We, the proud, thinner, Nov 2005 OH weight loss team have lost over 2280 pounds!! If you did not post to my previous question of how much have you lost, feel free to put your total here! I will add them up again in a few days!
I am SOOOOO proud of all of you guys and gals!! I know that we are nearing our 4th post-op month (my 4th month date post op is Sat Apr4th) and the losses are slowing down. Now is the time to make exercise a regular part of each day, like brushing your teeth or that morning cup of decaf coffee/tea/milk.... whatever you use to get going...lol. Muscle burns more calories than fat. And even thought the carbs are calling out to us, we must eat them in moderation and focus on the proteins. WE Will Succeed!!!
This is a permenent solution and it is working for all of us. It is now up to us to make use of our second chance to treat our bodies right.. eat right, exercise and be good to ourselves. Many of us have health problems that have improved dramatically or stopped health problems from developing. We have earned it and we deserve it!!!
Don't forget to say "good Job!!" when you look in the mirror! Jacki K from PA