Just my random thoughts.

Hi Lucky. Well done on your weight loss.
I usually get in about 80-95 grams of protein per day in about 800-900 calories (low fat, less than 100 g carbs). My protein level taken at my 3 months check up was way above normal for a 3 mo. post-op.
I am a protein obsessive. I try not to eat much of anything that has too little protein for the weight or for the calorie count (at least 10g protein for 150 calories is a minimum) In fact, the only thing I do eat that has little protein is a banana most days for breakfast.
I drink non-fat milk (usually in a latte, mmmm): it not only has protein but lots of potassium and calcium. And it makes me feel happy. It has about 20g of protein for 210 calories & no fat in a 20oz serving. Lots of people will warn you off milk, but I've had absolutely no problems with it (I've lost 82 pounds in 16 weeks drinking milk a lot of that time, so I can't imagine it's slowed my loss much).
I also will often have a 4 oz Danone Light and Fit with Fiber yogurt. 4g protein for 70 calories, plus calcium, potassium, fiber and sweetness. goes down nice and easy.
I often have half of a high-protein lean cuisine (3 cheese chicken, florentine chicken) or Smart Ones (parmesan chicken). Each of these has about 10 g protein for 100 calories. They are very palatable because they have sauce and are moist
Tuna is great for protein: 15g for about 3 oz (90 calories). I'll either have it with salad or with a little reduced fat mayo on saltines.
I have recently discovered that I am able to stomach about 2 oz of jerky at a time. Turkey jerky has about 20g protein for 100 calories (2oz); beef is only a little worse at 24g protein for 140-60 calories (2oz). Even if you can only stomach an ounce, that would go some way to helping your protein intake.
I also eat a Pure Protein bar most evenings. They have one of the best "protein to calorie" ratios I've found (170 calories for 20g protein in a 2 oz bar) in a bar. Some people hate the taste, but I've got used to them and I even quite like the Chocolate Chip one.
I don't use powders or drinks as I couldn't find any that I didn't find utterly revolting. Other people have had luck though with some drinks, especially after trying the samples from vitalady.com
Anyway, good luck and if you need more info, feel free to ask,
I'm right there with ya on the clothes, although I've managed to wear everything at least once before it got too big. I'm starting to send out my clothes to our surgery sisters who are now "slimming down" to my old size. Have you considered doing that yourself?? I know I for one started in a 22/24 blouse and a TIGHT 28 pants. I'm down to a 16/18/XL top and 22/24 pants. Thing is, I keep telling myself NOT to buy clothes except for a few things, and I did get a few hand-me-downs, but it's so much FUN to find clothes that fit, feel and look much better!
Keep up the GREAT work. Your food sounds fine to me; actually, I haven't found much that DOESN'T agree with me, which means I have to be extra careful.
Just a quick note on the clothing issue! I Called a local battered womens shelter and met them at a neutral location and gave them all the clothes that no longer fit. I am about to call them to give them some more. These are women who for the most part are plus sized and had to leave where they lived in a very big hurry. They are very grateful for anything especially the nicer clothes that would give them pride and confidence to look for a job and start a new life. If that is not an option donating at your local surgery support group or online here at oh.com Also ebay or craigslist to earn extra money. HTH. Way to go on the hard work!!!!! keep it up