3 months today
I seems like a lifetime ago and it seems like yesterday when I had WLS!! Truly, I feel like I got my life back... and I'm making the most of it. As of today, I:
Lost 64 pounds FOREVER
Have Perfect blood sugar levels with NO medication
Had my blood pressure medicine significantly reduced
Can cross my LEGS!!
Walk up and down the stairs in my house, frequently
Have extra space in the bed (more to roll around with Hubby )
Slide right through spaces I wouldn't have even tried before (like between close tables in a restaurant)
Have so much energy, I wear people around me out
Stand UP for myself more and more
Have a completely new wardrobe that won't fit me in a month
Receive positive comments and complements on a daily basis (?!?!)
Have made some of the best friends of my life right here at OH VA board
Would have WLS all over again
Am happy to be ALIVE!!
Happy 3 month anniversary to me!
to all my WLS sisters and brothers
surgery date/TODAY/personal goal
(copied from original post on OH-VA board)
Happy Anniversary Ladies!!!!
YEAH for crossing my legs!!!
67 pounds lost
Can sit in a seat at the Bobcats Arena and movies!!!!
Can see my ribs!
Losing my double chin!
NO medications!!!!
Planning a full summer including a whitewater rafting trip in California!!!
Bought jeans in the regular sized department!
Can get close to my hubby when he hugs me!!!!
Nancy H
Today is my 3 months for me. I am so happy to be down 47 lbs and feeling so much better. Yesterday was a busy day for me and I was walking down the hall at work. Someone looked out their office door and asked me where the fire was. I was gliding along so fast I didn't even notice. It is amazing what 47 lbs can make! WOW! I can't wait to lose that many more. I should be getting some blood work done soon, and I will let you all know how that goes