no excuse exercise week 3
Ok I have been slack in posting, but I have been on the treadmill for 30 mins on mon and tues. I wont be on today due to my night class and work, but I'm encouraging everyone to keep up the pace. I went to my check yester day and have lost 58lbs. Thats 25% of my excess weight. Lets keep it movin!
Alright Reneka!!
I have been going to physical therapy 3 days a week... and using their treadmill after my shoulder/upper body work out. As of Monday, I've lost 57 pounds which equals about 35% of my excess weight (although I don't believe I will get down to the "normal" of 137... I'm shooting for 150)
Keep on going!!
Hi all! I have been exercising, but slacked off last week and am paying for it this week. I am at another stall (my second, sigh) but I did it to myself. I was really doing well and just got lazy this past week... went shopping, cleaned house and decided that since i was busy, I didn't need to exercise. WRONG!!!
I am doing some weights today and back to the videos tomorrow. I use Leslie Sansone.. I like the way she does things.. not too complicated, not too fast. I have 2 Walk Away the Pounds tapes and a 2004 tape Firm Up Fast all by her.. they are all great. I also have a Winsor Pilates basics and beginner tape (I buy all of this stuff from Ebay) so I have no excuse except being lazy!! Carpe Diem! (sieze the day!) Jacki K
Hi all,
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I do 25-30 minutes on the treadmill with incline, 10 minutes on the bike, 6 min. on the upper body cycle, short times on the rowing machine and stepper plus weights. My trainer increases my time or my resistance every week or so.
I just started 3 new weight exercises tonight, so I will be sore tomorrow and unfortunately, tomorrow is my "off" day for working out due to the gym's hours and my child's specialists.
Trying to have minimal batwings here!