Ten Whole Minutes Between Bites!
Yes, that is the word from the Physicians Assistant in my surgeons group. I need to wait 10 minutes between bites! Geesh! I never thought I scarfed before surgery even, but 10 minutes between bites is really hard for me to do. I am gonna try though, cause I surely don't like the nausea and that happens if I eat faster.
Since starting the solid phase of the post op diet at 6 weeks post op I have gotten sick and barfed after some of my meals. Meals (ha ha if you an really call them that)
For the last 6 or 7 weeks I guess at times, unless I eat slothfully slow I end up with a sore pouch, nausea and then vomiting
I notice unless I go really really slow, I just cannot tolerate eating more solid foods. Also, if I talk and visit with others while eating my pouch seems to fill with air and that hurts too or can cause the full nauseous feeling to be worse, so that is a no no.
Is anyone finding eating at the stage hard also?
Thanks Nov. pouch babies!
Hi Tami,
I have been eating very slow since the beginning... after 1 hour I'd throw away whatever protein drink for the first few weeks after surgery!
10 minutes seems like a long time between bites... but do it anyway. I'd suggest smaller bites and take more time chewing. Also, depends on what you are eating. My pouch has been pretty tolerant so far, although I haven't tried anything crazy, but I definitely can't take dry meat... ouch! Pain and agony!! I've only once and that was on chicken I didn't chew well that got stuck.
Good luck and take care,
I have the same problem. I read in someone's post to use a baby spoon. I look really silly, but it works. You can only put so much on those little spoons and it has really helped me with slowing down.
I am not comfortable eating out with others and did not think about my pouch filling with air, but that makes sense. No matter what I do, I end up running to the bathroom and ! What a waste of money!!!!
How has everyone been with hair loss? Mine is driving me crazy! I find them everywhere!
Nancy H