Awesome WLS Books!!!
Hello everyone,
I just have to share some great books on WLS perhaps some of you already read them............
Carnie Wilson's "GUT FEELINGS"
and her second book "Im Still Hungry"
Carnie Wilson was part of the group WILSON PHILLPS and she is also the daughter of BeachBoy Brain Wilson
Both these books very hilarious (sp?) and so intune to how I felt growing up fat and having skinny sisters and getting called names in school etc etc................she also tells what lead up to her RYN and the things she did/ ate after WLS..........2 awesome reads!!!
Another book that I am reading right now is called "Before and After" by Susan Maria Leach
she tells about her jounery and gives some really great recipes!!!
Just wanted to share with you folks!!!
If you have read some good WLS books please share with us!!!!