getting noticed from opposite sex
Hey Tanya
I have been all three (married, single, dating...) and I do understand what you are saying. I have personally found that when I am NOT "looking" but only focusing on TAMMY, I end up being more attractive to others! I've heard other people say that when they "aren't looking" men come out of the woodwork...well I think there is something to that.
Soooo, keep focusing on TANYA... you're doing a great job!!
I went to a BBW dance on Saturday night, and got SO many stares, invitations to dance, compliments, etc. Maybe my confidence is making me glow, or maybe it's just 'cuz I simply look better. But either way, I'm DEFINITELY getting more attention than ever, especially from men. I agree you find what you're looking for when you're NOT looking for it!!! I think it's 'cuz when you're actively searching for a guy, you can tend to look/act desparate, which is a big turn-off for guys. Either that, or when you are looking for one specific kind of person, you may overlook someone great for you who was right there in front of you the whole time. (Kinda like when you search and tear apart the whole house looking for your keys, & they were sitting on the kitchen table all along!)