I've got to know!
Hi Kim,
Diet Pepsi slushes and Crystal Light slushes..at 7-11??? Are they filled with carbonation???..especially the Crystal Light..which normally doesn't have it at all??? I'd love to know "safe" things I can find to drink, as I'm out and about..in the Arizona Heat..that isn'****er.
Virginia aka Ginger
Hey Twinnie,
There was no bigger diet coke drinker than me a month prior to surgery...I always packing around one of those 64 oz plastic cups where ever I went! A month before surgery I decided I better get off of them so that I wouldn't have to deal with surgery pain plus the headaches. I was a bear!!!
For me personally I decided that I will never get back in that habit again. One of the reasons that I had surgery was because I was sick and tired of having food items control me. I haven't even thought about them in a long time. What I miss is not being able to eat and drink at the same time!
Hey I finally lost 50lbs!
Pam J.
My doctor and the hospital's nutritionist also say a big no no to soda, diet or otherwise. I think it's the carbonation that is the true danger for post-op... stretching! However, the hospital's nutritionist went OFF in our class about how bad soda is for anyone, that it's full of chemicals and bad for you. Actually, it kinda turned me off... but hey, she's the professional. I haven't tried any soda yet. Like many here, I was a huge Diet Coke/Diet Dr. Pepper... ok, many flavors of diet soda fan. We used to go through at least a case per week, and I'm at work 50-60 of those hours.
I've been sticking to the Crystal Lite/coffee/water regime. I really don't drink enough, but then, I never drank enough!