Feeling emotionally fragile???
What happened all of a sudden? I feel more sensitive (yes, it's PMS time and that makes matters even worse) and for some reason just not myself. Is anyone else having this happen to them? I read that many people suffer from depression after WLS..I know it's not at that point BUT I am definately not my "normal" self. The terrible thing is that my weight loss has slowed down again and the altered moods can NOT be good for that!
Lap RNY 11/17/05
I am feeling it too, so ya'll are nto alone. I have had a terrible week this week fighting the urge to stay in bed and ignore the world, but I made it and it is Friday. I am planning some fun things this weekend, so it should turn around. I think a positive outlook helps! I will pray for ya'll!
You're right a positive outlook helps. It's just weird how I can be doing my normal routine and something small and stupid can make me angry or make me cry now. It's just not me...but I know this will not last. Our bodies will readjust and things will get going again. Thanks for the positve thoughts. Sometimes it's just nice to know that we are in this together and experiencing similar stages
Lap RNY 11/17/05
I think too...we have all abused food as an emotional outlet in the past. I know that I have. We are all now going to have to different coping mechanisms to deal with emotional triggers. Food (our old best friend) cannot soothe us anymore and it's common to grieve that "friend" that we have used in the past. This is then only compounded that most social events are centered around food and eating and this can somewhat make us feel alienated to not participate the way we would have in the past.
Whoo....that's deep stuff, sorry.
I have too often in the post used food as an emotional crutch....just something to think about!