Is something wrong with me?
It would be helpful to reply if I knew what you were eating and how much. I had surgery a day before you, so we are right along the same path. I have not throw up yet, but I have had a few instances that I got full faster than expected and was uncomfortable for a while.
If you are doing all these and still throwing up, call your doctor:
-take tiny bites and chew thoroughly
-wait 30 seconds to a minute between bites... slow down (some people say put your fork or spoon down)
-portion out your food, only the amount you expect to eat, and eat on a small plate or saucer
-stop before you actually feel full
I hope that helps!
Hi Amanda,
I am sorry you are not feeling well. I had alot of problems the first few weeks also. I didn't vomit, just constant burping and burning and alot of acid. After my Dr. tried several medicines he told me to go buy Prilosec over the counter meds. I take one a day and feel great! Maybe you could ask your Dr. if you could try them!
My husband is having the very same problem! His surgery was 12/6/05. I feel terrible for him. in the begining the ER told him he was throwing up because of dehydration. Now he is hydrated just fine and but still nauseated and thowing up. At the ER they checked to be sure he does not have a stricture he does not! But he cannot eat or keep anything down. He has a Dr. apt on WED. Hopefully we will find answers then. I feel guilty because I have not had any problems other than not eating to much or not chewing enough. If you find anything out please keep us posted.
Good Morning! Lurking from the MN board...I have to say that up until a couple of weeks ago, I had the same issue. I wasn't actually throwing up, but I felt sick to my stomache after I ate just about anything. Also, still constantly burping (which makes me feel better). Then one day while I was having dinner, my dh looked at me and told me that he noticed I was eating WAY TOO FAST! So, since I've slowed down I've started feeling better after my meals. I remember to measure what I'm supposed to eat instead of eyeing it and I also set a timer for 20 minutes and that's how long I have to sit there and finish my dinner, etc.
Good Luck and I hope things gett better for you soon!
Stacey, my dh says I look like you but I just don't see it?
Anyway, for the original poster and all others experiencing nausea, burping, and acid issues: My surgeon puts all his patients on pepsid chewable 2x a day, and that has made a HUGE difference for me. He says to continue on it for the 1st several months, as it does a great job in regulating your acids. It doesn't taste half bad, either Also, it's SO important to take itty bitty bites of food (think pencil eraser size) and chew it 'till it's pulp like. Put your fork down in between bites - try to take 10 minutes per ounce. Wait at least 20 minutes after your meal before you drink anything. If you follow these key points, I'm willing to bet nausea, burping and acid problem will be much better.
Been there, done that in NH
I had my surgery on Nov 28, but have been on solids since about 2 weeks out. Of course it was gradual and I was careful, but now I can eat just about anything (I do, however, avoid as much sugar as possible). I can relate to the's become a joke around my family and friends! The only thing that has made me sick though is clam chowder (and it might just have been that I forgot and tried to drink some water right afterward). Just go slow and try one thing at a time...things will get better!!!