Am I being to sensitive?
Today I am ten weeks post-op and down 52 pounds! I feel great ..but.. I am finding this happening more and more lately... have you had people just come right out and ask you what you weighed before surgery :o. This has happened a lot lately and everytime it does I don't know what to say. That is such personal information ..or.. am I just really being to sensitive? What would you do?
Have a great day everyone?
PS... Happy 10 week Anniversary to all my 11-1 brothers ..&.. sisters!

Congrats on your 10 weeks and 52 lbs! I don't think you're being overly sensitive at all. Many times when I post here, I'll list my pre-op and current weights, but that is definitely NOT the norm.
In their excitment for you, people are probably continuing to ask questions and not realizing that they're being rude. When someone asks you your pre-op weight, just tell them "52 lbs. heavier than I am today." and smile. Most people will get the clue that they stepped over a boundary and not pu**** There will always be some clueless ones that still push after that response.
I'm grew up in SE Michigan and most of my family still lives there. I have an aunt in Sterling Heights that had her Lap RNY on 8/31/2005. I'm glad to hear you're doing great. Stay warm!
No you're not being sensitive...weight is a perosnal issue for most individuals no matter what the number is on the scale! That being said I'm running into the same problem and people just do not know what to say out of their mouths sometimes
They probably "mean well" but don't have any idea what exactly they should say. The truth of the matter is that obesity is the "last socially accepted prejudice" in our society and people think they have the right to be critical at any point and time...even through our journey of weight loss. I respond differently to all depends on who they are, what comment they have made, and what day they catch me on!!!
I have said things like "That is a very personal question...don't you think?" and "Does it really matter? I think what matters is that I am healthier and happier" I just don't get people.

Hey Twinnie,
At least people are noticing that you are loosing weight....I have lost about 41 lbs and I am lucky if my husband, kids, etc, notice anything different! Honestly tho I know from previous weight loss that for me it takes 50lbs before people notice.
What got me other weight loss times was when people ---who never spoke to me before-- deemed it was okay to talk to me after I lost a lot of weight.
I really don't mind if people that I speak to regularly ask how muchI've lost. Just as long as they don't want in depth info on how I did it. I didn't tell just anyone that I was having WLS. I felt it was a private thing, so if anyone asks me I plan on telling them that I having been doing low carb and excercising my fanny off!
Glad to hear you are doing so well Kim!!!!!
Pam J
My Pam! I knew I could count on you for support and understanding
40+ pounds is so much weight... Take a good look.. you look amazing!
I am always surprised how people can put their foot in their mouth... I would never ask someone what they weighed no matter what size they were.
I am still kinda scared of failing or not making my goals... I don;t ever want to go back to where I was and some days it seems like I still have so far to go to get to those goals... but I'm learning... one day at a time!
In the meantime.. I think I will respond back with something someone had said earlier.. when they ask what my starting weight was I am gonna say if I tell you I will have to kill you... I thought that was so funny
Thanks Pam... you are the best

Hey Kim
My mom and sister, who had RNY 13 years ago, have lots of good come-backs for dumb questions.
One of my favorites that my mom used to some nosey ladies at church (yes, they meant well) when they asked her HOW she lost so much weight so fast was: "I only know of ONE way to lose weight... eat less and move more!" Truly, that's what it's all about.
Good luck and congratulations on your 53 POUND weight loss!! That's great!!!

Congrats on the weight loss so far...
On Christmas eve my mother in law who weighs about 110lbs soppin wet, asked how much weight I had lost at that point and my husband said about 45lbs or and she goes my god that is half of lil ole me.... i could have knocked her on her
@&&, and i was like well not everyone is so blessed as you are to be so small
.... Today she asked me again how much I am down, and I said well I am not tellin you or anyone else, all you need to know is alot. and we will leave it at that, because she then goes to the beauty shop each week to report to all the old bittys..
I said when it is all said and done and I am down to my goal I will tell you my weight then or maybe not...

Good Morning Kim! I shout out to the world what I weighed before surgery! I'm not shy about it because I love peoples reactions to all the weight I've lost! However, I don't think you are being sensitive. I can understand why you would want to keep that private, etc.
Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome!