I found that I wasn't doing very well keeping track of everything I had eaten, including tracking my protein, so I've started tracking my daily intake on It takes a little while to get everything input the first time because you have to specifically input all the nutritional values for all the foods they don't have, which was most of my "special" stuff, like protein drinks. Good news is, you only have to input the info once.
Yesterday, I found I had:
526 calories
10 g fat
51 g carbs
60 g protein
You can also break down nutritional value on home-made recipes.
Have a great day, Fellow Nov surgery sistas and bros,

i love fitday!! once u get started on it, its pretty easy to use and u can track so many different things. i would love to have the at home version. its only 20 bucks but i cant seem to get the $$ together.but i like u can track ur exercise, diet, weight, etc in one place. even a journal to use too.
fitday has really been helpful to me, too. I have been sooo worried about my protein intake b/c I just can't tolerate the drinks. But my labs came back right in the middle of normal, so I decided to track everything I ate on fitday and lo and behold, I am getting way more protein in than I realized! Yeah!
Plus, I LOVE the weight log and how it shows the long straight line from starting point to goal. I know if I stay below that line, I'm still on track to reach my goal and it's so nice to SEE it like that.
Just for curiosity, what do you eat on an average day?
Here's what I ate day before yesterday (items that above was based on.) Yesterday I had even less calories, but then I ate a LF/SF yogurt smoothie and that brought me up farther.
Early AM - Elite Cafe mocha whey protein drink (mixed with water)
Breakfast - about 3/4 pkg of Kashi Go Lean hot cereal (vanilla flavor) with 1/2 cup milk and 2 teaspoons of blueberries
No AM snack
Lunch - 7 Tamari Sesame Crackers (1/2 serving) with 1/4 cup crab salad mixed with about 1/2 tablespoon of mayo
PM Snack - 8 apple cinnamon soy chips (1/2 serving)
Dinner - 2 oz tilapia (grilled with a little SF ginger/sesame sauce,) 1/4 cup peas and carrots
I probably COULD have eaten more, but I don't have much appetite. For instance, today so far I've had a protein drink and the same cereal mentioned above, and it's after 1pm. I get busy doing stuff and forget to eat! Tomorrow I go back to work and hope to plan everything out tonight so I'll be well prepared.