Anyone else have this problem?
I have the same problem!! I finally made a chart. The hospital gave me one to track my liquid intake for the first 10 days. I use that. It just lists the time, every 15 minutes from midnight to midnight. You're supposed to record when you've drank 1oz by checking the time you finished it (was drinking out of medicine cups then) - Now I just draw a line down the column when I finish a bottle of water - time started to time ended. I log my protein drinks, vitamins, and medications at the time I took them (am also on a pill to help prevent gallstones) - it's a little tedious, but it helps me remember. I try to do everything at the same time because I think after a hundred years it may just become ingrained in my head!!!
Keep trying - this is also the hard work part that we never expected.
I was also using a tracking sheet shortly after returning home from surgery and for about 3 weeks, but now I coordinate my vitamins with my meals. Since you can't absorb all at once, I take one multi-vitamin just before breakfast, A&D and B-12 at lunch, and second multi-vitamin at dinner. That's all my doctor recommends for now, but I believe she will be adding more supplements at my next check-up in 10 days.
I have trouble with the liquids too... just ask yourself throughout the day...How much have I drank so far today? Then adjust.
Good luck and Happy New Year

You got plenty of company in that dept. I am terrible .. I try chewable vitamins. Last time I took a giant sized vitamin I had to drink large swallow of water to move it down and I oofed it up. I never was a liquids drinker much. My hubby says I am like a camel. Sip here Sip there... You just do your very best and try to always have something liquid in front of me. 44 lbs! Good job! I am 7 weeks -38.

I have a pill organizer (from all my diabetic meds I use to take), it has an AM side and a PM side I fill it each week, and then I keep it sitting by the computer, because I sit down at the computer at least a couple times a day. That way I see it sitting there and I know I need to take it, if I didn't do that I am horrible about remembering to do it on my own.