How much can you eat?
Just wondering how much everyone can eat, and how many times a day you eat? There seem's to be such a vast difference in how much different people can eat. I can eat 2 oz's. at a time but have to wait about 1.5 to 2 hours before I can drink again. I eat twice a day. How about you? Thank you.
God bless,
Diva in Training
on 1/1/06 12:37 pm
on 1/1/06 12:37 pm
Hi Annette,
The amount I eat depends on what I'm eating. If I'm eating pinto's and cheese from Taco Bell, I can eat 1/2 of that. I just started to eat salmon and I can eat about 2 oz of that. I tried to eat it with a vegatable, but I felt too full. I eat about 2-3 times a day and I have to wait about 1 hour before I can drink anything.
Hi Ladies seems we are all on the same surgery date pretty much. I am same way depends on what I am eating. Some days it seems all I do is eat and other days I am lucky to eat twice! I can eat about a 1/4 cup of foods. If its soup i can sip down a whole campbells "soup at hand" container as long as it is like tomatoe or something smooth like that.
I am eating 5-6 meals between 3 to 4 oz at a time. That is including my 2 protein shakes. I am still on pureed foods so it runs through me a little faster. I am getting around 60 to 80 grams of protein in and 40 to 60 oz of water. My energy levels are great unless I skip a meal or I don't get enough protein and water in. Everyone is different, but I must say that It doesn't seem like you are eating enough.
It depends on what I'm eating. If it's something really smooth or liquid (like yogurt,) I can do 4-6 oz sipping over a 1/2 hour period. If it's more solid (I just started on moist fish and chicken salad with canned chicken) I can eat about 2 oz. and then I'm definitely full! I eat verrrry slow so I can usually sip water 1/2 hour after eating. I usually eat 3-5 times a day, but there have been some days when I just didn't feel like eating anything and so had maybe 2 small meals, like a 4 oz cup of yogurt. On the days I eat much less, I'm sure to get in an extra protein drink. I also supplement with Profect to ensure my protein level stays over 60 g per day.
Sometimes I worry that I'm able to eat too much at a time, but I focus on portion control just like if I didn't have the WLS. I set out how much I should eat and that's it. If it's something warm, it's usually cold before I finish.
My question to you is what are you eating and how fast are you eating it?
Happy New Year,
Hi Tammy,
Mostly I eat f.f. cottage cheese, f.f. refried beans, great northern beans, and protein shakes. I dont tolerate egg's, fish, or meat very well. It takes me about 45 minutes to eat 2 oz's. I feel really full after and can't drink for at least 1 1/2 hrs. after eating. It takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to drink 8oz's.of skim milk with 1 scoop of protein powder (and to think I actually like my protein shake)
. I'm having a scope done in the morning. I thought I was eating pretty well untill I noticed how much other people were eating.
God bless you,

I think it's a good idea for you to get that scope. I haven't had one, but have talked with others who have and it's just uncomfortable, not painful.
While everyone is definitely different, as shown by the responses to your posting, most can eat a lot more than you are able to eat. It's amusing to me how everyone's diet is strictly by what their surgeon thinks, which is good, don't get me wrong... everyone should go by what their doctor says. My overall advice is to listen to your body!
Best wishes and let up know how it goes.