Stalled out
Ok, I have lost 2.5 pounds in two weeks, and seemed to have stalled out at a 28 pound weight loss since surgery. I'm getting anxious as I know at my last check up that I'm at the lower end of the standard deviation for weight loss (at the higher end---I should have been closer to 40 pounds for the weight loss). Has anybody else gone this route and does it eventually end and the weight loss catches up?
I am increasing my protein intake as I was told it wasn't sufficient in the amounts I have been taking daily---will this help?
My energy level has improved and I don't feel like fainting everytime I stand up now---so I know that this is good---I will be returning to full time work on 1/3/06
Please let me know how you all are doing so I can compare results---I am in need of some encouragement at this time! Thanks so much

Hello Stacia,
You probally have seen my post- NEWBIE 14 day Stall!. It is just a few lines down from your post. I am also a slower looser. I had surgery Nov 1st and have now lost 34lbs. If you are doing everything right----getting at least 60 grams of protein (alot of people recommend 80-100grams--I get at least 90), drink at least 64oz of water, keep under 30-40 grams of carbs (track this on, excercise at least 30 minutes a day, eventually it will have to come off. I have seen profiles of slower losers and they still reach their goals. Don't get discouraged. When I had my big stall even my measurements didn't change until the night before I finally dropped 3.5 pounds overnight, and 1lb the following day.
Hang in there
I have been taking biotin. I started a few weeks before surgery. I have really fine hair, and if there is something that might help me keep my hair, I figured it was worth a try. When I lost over 100lbs a few years ago I really lost alot of hair. I am thinking I might just go get a shorter haircut now, so it won't be so noticable later. I rather be bald than fat!!!!!
I stalled a bit, too. I don't know what it was - I can't exercise much because I've been dealing with a recurring infection in one of the incisions, but I still walk. I've only lost 37.5 lbs. I know that during one of my slow weeks, I started eating more carbs - I'd have a cracker or 2 with my tuna, or more than one "taste" of mashed potatoes. I stopped doing that, and I've started losing more. I just concentrate on eating protein, and I drink a V8 almost every day, so I don't have to eat the vegetables. Someone else posted about wondering about hair loss. From the people I know, and reading on this site, I understand it happens around month 4, and is related to protein intake.
Keep pluggin' away. It will happen. Keep an eye on what you're eating.
Good luck, and don't despair!

I think stalling out will happen quite a few times and then all of a sudden you will drop a few pounds. I think it is your body just catching up with the quick weight loss and adjusting itself. I wouldn't worry. If you are doing everything you should then you will lose. Just keep moving! I would increase the protein like you said. As for our hair...unfortunately it will fall out. I have heard about 3 months. We should all come back at three months and take a poll. Fortunately I have read that it grows back. As long as the fat stays gone I will be happy! I am finally starting to feel normal at 8 weeks out.