Has your life changed since WLS??
Diva in Training
on 12/29/05 1:06 pm
on 12/29/05 1:06 pm
Is that a crazy question??
Well, to me it's not. My life is changing everyday, even though I'm only six weeks post-op. I'm so thankful for this surgery. This weekend I went to Vegas for Christmas. I was able to walk through the mall with no back or knee pain. I mean I walked from one end to the other. Two months ago that would have been impossible. Then later that night, I put on my high heel boots and hit the casinos with no pain. I was so happy and so was my mother, because she remembers how it use to be. I always had to stop and rest, because my back would hurt so much. I'm down 41.5 pounds and I feel good. My energy is really up and I'm moving around more. I go back to work this Tuesday and I'm actually excited about that. I feel ready to take on the world. lol I love my new tool.
So what has changed for you? Let us know, no matter how small the change is. We need celebrate every change and milestone.
I hope to hear from all of you soon.
Diva in Training
Wassup. Well I am still tired LOL. I have returned to work; today was the first day I was able to "bust" out my work without falling asleep LOL. I slipped in Jon B greatest hits and the new Notorious Big duets..... girl I was working my butt off. I have noticed how I use to eat. I ate two chicken wings for dinner(baked) I pulled the fat/skin off... seeing the fat made me sick. I told my hubby omg I use to eat all of this. I am noticeably smaller. I am down 40lbs. I need to kick up my exercise. I do not regret a thing. I sleep better and I know I have a brighter outcome for my future. I am finally going to go to the Essence Music Festival 2006. I have made too excuses for 5 years. Its on this summer. I am saving my kibbles (money) up because I am going to try to go everywhere!
Diva in Training
on 12/31/05 11:14 am
on 12/31/05 11:14 am
Hey girlie,
Congrats on losing 40 pounds. When I look at others eat and drink like there's no tomorrow, it totally turns me off. I like being able to eat a few teaspoons and feel full. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself at the Essence Festival. I've always wanted to go, but made up excuses every year.
no this isnt a dumb question! im only 5 weeks out but ive lost 29 lbs & 45.5 inches so far. ive also lost 3 meds i used to take!!! (glucophage, high blood pressure med & water pill) i was so excited when i didnt have to take those anymore & im hoping to lose a few more. my back and knee pain has greatly diminished & i have loads more energy. i am so thankful to have this opportunity.
Diva in Training
on 12/31/05 11:22 am
on 12/31/05 11:22 am
Hi Lisa,
WOW, you are off of three meds. That's awesome! Dropping 29 lbs and 45.5 inches is great. I haven't measured myself, but after reading your post, I want to know my measurements. Keep up the good work and before you know it, you'll be off of all of the meds.
Hi Diva,
Yes life is changing daily for me as well. I've lost 42#'s and am so much more energetic. I can clean house do dishes and laundry plus keep up with the kids and not get exhausted from it!!! I even manage to work on the treadmill 45-60 minutes a day and have dinner ready when hubby gets home from work. I love this tool and how I feel at this stage I can't wait to see how I fee in another 6 months!! Keep up the good work.
Take care,
Hey Diva!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Awesome question!!!!!
My life is changing by leaps and bounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im the one leapin and boundin!!!!
I have confidence that I didnt have before, an inner strength that is helping me in all ways of life: my kids, husband, work, friends etc
People tell me that I am a totally diferent person!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My husband and I are having a lot of problems and I now know that I can be a single mom if I have to...........I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that I can find someone out there who will treat me like the queen I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!