Well, I'm finally able to sit back at the computer without getting sick or being too uncomfortable. The comfort thing is what gets to me most and will pull me away soon. Anyway, just wanted to let ya all know that I made it through surgery without a hitch and was on my way to an excellent recovery when my stitch line ruptured and started to leak infection and blood. This all started on the 9th and is still leaking today. Dr. said that it is a wound infection. I just hope that it goes away soon. Well, sleep is starting to pull at me. Hope to see you all soon.
Hi Veronica,
I am sorry about your complication, I also had the same thing, and my insicion was open up until about a week ago, it was scary and grose, as they need to heal from the inside out.
Just keep it clean, and packed..if he is having you pack it?
I had the VNA come in to do mine as I was a big baby. But they do heal pretty fast, about 4 weeks max.
You will feel better every day. And just be glad t leaked out rather than stay inside your body and bocome least thats what they tole me (":
xoxoxx Gloria