2 ?s 10 days post-op. Exercise and peanut butter
Hello all my november friends
I am 2 weeks post-op and doing pretty good. I have so far
only walked around in the house. I am eager to get on my
treadmill. Thought i would wait till 2 weeks post-op for that,
allowed to start my protein shakes then. When were you
all told you could start exercising? Like sit ups, using hand
weights for the arms, and treadmill. Other question when
can we start eating peanut butter? I never was a real big
fan of it but for some reason i am craving it now. Was
pizza last week, but over that. Hope everyone is doing
well. And thank you ahead of time for replys. D
Hi D.
I was told walking was ok, I've been doing treadmill since coming home from the hospital, but we won't be cleared for tummy exercises for a month or 2. It takes a while for the abdomen to heal inside from the surgeon cutting completely through it to get to the internal organs, and you don't want to risk a hernia, which will be more surgery later.
I'm doing my arms with weights just making sure I don't use my stomach muscles for any type of lifting.
As for peanut butter, I've been eating a little already. I get a tablespoon full and just suck it all off . Not taking bites just sucking on it so that it goes down easily.