Nov. 5 WLS date
Hi....I have lost 25 pounds since my WLS...but....I bought new pants yesterday (no stretch)...first pair of those in years...and I was down 2-3 sizes....I couldn't believe that 25 pounds would make that much difference...also....I am walking out of my shoes....can't image what another 100 pounds will impossible....anyone else having the shoe problem?
Hi Paula,
I wish I was walking out of my shoe. I wear size 11s and they are really hard to find. So far with my 27lb loss I've gone down one jean size, from 22 to 20. Of course the 22s were the best pair of jeans I've found in the last 30 years. They were Rocky Mountain stretch boot cut and I paid $50.00 for them the day before I got my surgery date. The 20s were purchased at Wally World about 2 years ago that I was able to wear for about 1 week after excitedly buying them after I had lost 25 lbs. on one of the hundreds of diets I had tried. Wouldn't you know it - they were too small again in 1 week. Now they are getting a little baggy -woo hoo!
That is great that you are already down 2-3 sizes. You are 3 days ahead of me so I'll look forward to your updates.
I have lost about 40 lbs since my surgery Nov.4th. I have and was wearing an 18/20 or a 22/24 in tops and pants. Some of my sweats are 2X or 3X. I can see a difference, but I can still wear all my clothes. I hope to be able to wear them until spring. I have some strech denim leggins from Walmart that I plan on wearing for the majority of the winter. I haven't seen a difference in my shoes yet, either, but my friend and my mother-in-law both lost shoe sizes as well as many clothes sizes in the past year. My M-I-L is a year post op this month and has lost over 150 lbs. My friend is a year post-op in January and has lost over 135lbs. Both have gone from 30/32 to 16/18 and they look great! You will be the incredible shrinking Paula...LOL. Congrats on the losses! Jacki K from PA