1 week post-op!
Hey everyone,
My surgery is one week old today. I am not feeling the best. I have been trying very hard to get my protein in along with my water. I have been very nauseated, and lightheaded. Hopefully this will past soon. Other angels out there seems to think I am over doing it, I probably am!! Just glad to know right now that I am on the loosing side finally, after all of these years.!!!
God Bless You All, Take Care!!!!
Hey Tonya,
I'm feeling a little better. My the dietician thinks that the protein isn't agreeing with me. So I'm on 1% milk, cottage cheese, pudding, yogurt, and condensed soup. I have to have 6 servings a day. And of course my water. I have been doing good with this.
I go back to see the Dr next week. Glad to hear that you are doing good!!
You take care, God Bless You !!
Hey Marcetta,
I'm 18 days post op. I didn't have a problem with nausea but my surgeon suggested to try decaff green tea for it. I've seen a brand of lollipop for nausea too, but can't remember the name. Don't give up on the water--gotta keep your plumbing working! It also helps with the lightheadedness.
Hope to see a post from you soon that says you're feeling a whole lot better.
I'm sorry that you aren't feeling all that well, Marcetta!! Things will get better, I promise!! I felt as though my stomach had been blasted by cannonballs at one week post-op!! Now at almost three weeks, I feel MUCH better, although I still do feel "stiff" and ocassionally still have some aches, and I still do have problems bending, scooting over in the car, and doing some other "normal" day-to-day things. However, just think of where you....and I....will be a few months from now.....you and I won't even remember these aches and pains by then, as we'll be too busy losing weight!! Hang in there!!