IM HOME!!!!!!!
i stayed in suburban for 2 days. surgery took 3 hours and recovery was 1.5 hours. i dont remember most of surgery day-- dang them was some good meds-lol.but i came through with flying colors & im estatic.i have 8 little incisions instead of 6 cause dr.geller couldnt see to do something. so it was either get 8 or open me up. im glad i have 8 little ones
i have to keep the drain tube for a week so thats not too bad. im not in pain;just feels like ive done too much and pulled a muscle. im already off my blood sugar meds (it dropped to 79 )but i have to check it4 x's daily for awhile.and wouldnt u know it i actually gained 9.6 lbs in the hospital from all those fluids. but i really dehydrated when i got there so i had 3 bags before surgery. the nurses was awesome, the aides was awesome, the food wasnt bad either(what i actually ate) everyone kept saying i am gonna do great at this which was really encouraging!all in all, i would do this again in a heartbeat. i have absolutely nothing negative to say bout my whole experience. well maybe that i cant remember recovery and some of tuesday but thats to be expected from all the meds they give u during surgery. email me if u have any questions and ill try to help. im just so excited to finally be post-op and to be doing awesome.

Congratulations Lisa, Hope all is well with you. Good luck on your recovery. I'm home from my surgery monday. Pain free, getting around good--almost ready to try to drive. Trying to get down all the liquids, protein, vitamins, calcium, b12 is a real challenge though. I feel like I'm constantly eating! Every day gets better though, and I'm totally with you: this has been a great experience and I would do it again too.
Best wishes,