Home from Surgery 11/18
Well, I got home from the hospital today. The abdominal pain is not nearly a severe as I anticipated. However, my back has been killing me. I think that they did somehting to my back when I was strapped on the operating table. I have never had back problemsbefore. My. doc says it is likely positional, but to let him know if it doesn't go away. Well, I am very tired, but just wanted to post quick hi. I hope that my twins Dee Dee and Kam are doing well. Also, all of the other November 18 surgery folks.
R. SPerry
I had back, neck and shoulder pain on my left side for about 7-10 days post-op really bad. It was caused from the air they put in my abdomen during surgery (i had laproscopic). It takes a while for all that air to come out. Taking Gas-X helped, I think, and that's an approved medication to take post-op. My neck/shoulder hurt worse than my abs, as I can recall. So it's normal. It'll go away in a few days. Just hang in there. Glad surgery went smoothly and you are home!!
Down 115 lbs since March
PhoenixWLS Support Group Leader
"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be."