What did they have you do the week before surgery????
I'm just curious, but my surgery date is nov. 22, and would like to know what any of your doctors had you do the week or less before your surgery. I was told to quit taking asprin as of now and then on friday when I go see the doctor who does the physicals before sugery, he would explain the rest. Does any of you what might that be? Any help would be great.
the day before surgery I had to drink 1.5 oz of Fleets Phospho Soda to empty my bowels completely. It was awful. I spent the whole day in the house. I also had to only have clear liquids from that point on til Midnight. Then I had to stop everything at midnight. No liquids or anything before surgery. That was it. Once it was over, I was fine.
All doctors are different though, so your surgeon may have you do something different. Good luck to you!!!

Hi Robert,
Today is my 7th. day of liquids. Water~64oz's. per day. Protein drinks-no less than 53gr. of protein a day for women, men need more. ~ S.F. jello, low fat/ low sodium broth S.F. popsicles, crystal lite~ no Tea~ and Diet snapple juices~no tea~ Had to do this for the first 6 days. Today is clear liquids only NO PROTEIN! I don't have to do the fleets phospo soda , unless I've been constipated~ which my P.A. said protein only tends to do. I had to stop all med's. except my blood pressure, and inhaler. I had to do intentional exercise every day for at least 1/2 hour. My surgeon said walk for 10 to 15 minutes at a time 3 times a day. When I started the liquid diet I was jittery, and hungry, after the third day I wasn't jittery anymore, but the smell of food started making me sick. I did get very, very tired. That eased up some after I started exercising more. Best wishes on your journey. May you find something new and exciting at every turn.
God bless you,
All doctors are different. The times you have to stop regular medications is very specific to each person. My dr. just had me do clear liquids starting from when I woke up the day before surgery. Then I had to do 1.5 oz of Fleet phospho soda mixed with sprite at 5 pm and again at 6 pm. Helpful hint - if you do have to have the phospho soda invest in some vaseline or Preparation H and apply externally at the time you drink the soda. Preparation H wipes also help keep the anal trama of the phosopho soda minimized. I was allowed to drink water until 4 hours before my surgery and believe me with my itty-bitty veins (the only thing on me that is) that roll and collapse, I was up at five guzzleing 32 oz. I think it helped. I only had to be stuck twice to get the IV going which is like 200% fewer times than for previous surgeries.
Hope all goes well.
I have my surgery on the 22nd also, my DR. had me start a two week diet of 64oz of fluids...
3 protein shakes
2-8oz glasses of skim milk
1 med peice of fruit
3/4 c of veg.(no corn,potatoes,or peas)
and clear liquids the day before the surgeryI have to admit i have cheated ....i will only have what is on the diet from now until my surgery.....I was told that it is so that the liver will shrink?....margaret