I'm homeeee wow! what a ride (:
yeahhh I am home wow what a ride...omg the PAINNNN..They were able to fix the hernia do the gallbladder, and gastric bypass... I hsd some post op uriary retention, but otherwise went great~~ I was in no way prepared for the painnn tho (____::: than again I am a big baby~
xxoxoxox Gloria
Also I am home with 2 drains, yuck..if any one has ny ?? please write them, I remember the fear, and I was soo thirsty for knowlege up until an hour before surgery` xoxoxo Gloria
Hi Gloria,
I was looking for a post from you. It came on the board after I left for sugery. Sounds like they did a lot. No wonder you were so nervous about having it done. I hope the pain is now in control. I had my surgery on Tuesday. I have had only a little pain. Came home Friday night. Things are going great.