I'm a newbie with a Nov. date!
My name is Virginia. I just found this message board. I have been trying to get the lap RNY for over 8 months now....but after much insurance stalling....and hoops to jump through that made me just want to quit...I got approved!!! My rebirthday is November 23, 2005!!! That's the day before Thanksgiving...what kinda planning is that??? BUt I guess all of us are in the same boat...with a November rebirthday that is. Time is zooming by all of a sudden....Getting this surgery approved took forever!!! I'd love to hear if anyone here has the same surgery date or is having surgery at St. Luke's Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ like me!!

Congrats!!!! I am having dental work on the 23rd...second only to Bariatric surgery for the holidays!! Congrats!!! The hoops were awful I know but you will be soooo glad you jumped them!! Know that you are in the hearts of everyone who has gone before you!!
I say a prayer every morning that HE watch over all surgeries today... so know you will be in mine!!
Congratulations Virginia! I think we actually have the best time, you'll be going into 2006 as a whole new you! I think ahead to how good we'll feel at Christmas and what awesome after Christmas clothing sales we can catch on some goal or near goal outfits! ....and just think, by NEXT summer, you'll be ready to get out there in some cute shorts or sun dresses and have some fun in the sun! Best wishes on you having a quick and uneventful surgery and quick recovery! Take care, and come back in Dec and let us know how you'er diong. I want all of us Novembers to re-connect and see hwo we're all doing!