Who shares my date?

I share you date Jodie. I am having my surgery on 11/7 too and I am just as excited as you are. I am not nervous at all. Much peace here. I am craving all my favorite foods and it's a good thing i'm broke or else i'd be eating out everynight. lol I'm ready to change my life and become healthy again though. And most importantly to be free of diabetes.
Sherita in VA
I am also doing a liquid diet before my surgery. So far I have lost a couple of pounds. My surgeons required me to lose 10 pounds but it felt so good I am going to continue on with this diet. I feel the liquid diet better prepares us for after the surgery anyway. But I congradulate you on your choice to live a healthier life!!!! Way to go!!!

I share your date as well.......I'm getting so excited, anxious, nervous, worried, happy, sad and every other emotion in the book.
My clear liquid diet starts Saturday, Nov. 5th (the day after my b-day), thank god it's only two days.
Well good luck to all and I'll see you on the losers side.