rescheduled 10/01 was 09/25
i got a call the other day from my surgeons office letting me know that my surgery had to be reschedualed. I was going for the VBG oct 25th but now i am having it done NOV 1st, it is only a week difference.. but wow what a week can do to ones thoughts.. i was down in the dumps for a bit. Today is my 29th birthday , guess i just should be glad ia m getting it done and celabrate my BD with my family and friends.. and in a months time celabrate my Rebirth again...
thanks for letting me vote
wow i'm really srry that happened to ya i wouldn't like that to happen to me either. Just some positive advice try to look at it this way.. There was a reason for the schedule change
God wasn't ready for you to go in yet. Things in our lives happen for a reason. And also you have waited this long one more week won't kill you. Coming from someone it has not happened tooo, but that is the best advice i can give in a situation like this...Srry and
Good luck to you.....Stephanie

Oh the depression,
but it is still "on" and think of it this way, you're here with the rest of us November guys AND by X-Mas you'll be so well on your way to being a different, new and improved you, this will just be a small bump. For me I'm getting my X-Mas present in November, my surgery is scheduled for 11/8th and the preop Dr's appointment on 10/17, I'm still doing the happy dance.