2012 update
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/538420_363163583009 2_1250025321_3780209_1795811058_n.jpg
I hope the photo shows up,
I have been on the weightloss roller coaster but not as high as before surgery.
I started my Journey at 240, my lowest I got down to 147. I took a long break from focusing on my weight like 3 years and I gained back up to 196, once the scale even made it back to 200.
I decided to make some drastic changes. First I went all Organic using coupons it's actually very affordable. then a year later I cut out meat. Now I am back down to 164!! I am working my way back to 147 and hopefully I will pass that and get down to 135 but I am taking it slowly.
In 2010 I became a Zumba Instuctor now I teach 8 classes a week, that definately helps keep the weight off!
Blessing on your Journey's everyone!
I hope the photo shows up,
I have been on the weightloss roller coaster but not as high as before surgery.
I started my Journey at 240, my lowest I got down to 147. I took a long break from focusing on my weight like 3 years and I gained back up to 196, once the scale even made it back to 200.
I decided to make some drastic changes. First I went all Organic using coupons it's actually very affordable. then a year later I cut out meat. Now I am back down to 164!! I am working my way back to 147 and hopefully I will pass that and get down to 135 but I am taking it slowly.
In 2010 I became a Zumba Instuctor now I teach 8 classes a week, that definately helps keep the weight off!
Blessing on your Journey's everyone!
Heather MC
22 to Go Woo Hoo!!!!!
22 to Go Woo Hoo!!!!!