I wanted to let you know of a possible condition that I never heard of... if it's weird, I'll be the one to get
I had my gallbladder out 18 years ago, long before obesity, etc. I am almost 2 years post-op and for the past 2 months, I have had intermittant abdominal pains.. for a few hours or so, then gone for days. I thought I was eating something that didn't agree with me or something..(duh).
On Thursday, Aug 23, 2007, I had the attack from He**. Severe pain, no nausea but felt awful.. nothing hepled it. After about 8 hours of it, I went to the ER. To make a long story short, they found 3 gall my LIVER??!! WTF??
I had them out and am 100% better. Just wanted to share this with you in case you have some gallbladder symptoms when you don't have a gallbladder.. it could be something like this. Always get pain checked out.. you never know.....
Jacki K from PA